December 2023 |
Message from Secretary General
Looking ahead to the coming year, APT is excited to reaffirm our commitment to excellence and member satisfaction. Starting next year, we are placing a heightened focus on strengthening dialogue to better understand and address our members’ needs and requests. Your feedback is invaluable, and we are dedicated to ensuring that our initiatives align seamlessly with your aspirations. As always, we will uphold the values of APT, champion the cause of digital advancement, and pursue the goals of connectivity, security, and growth across the region.
As we embark on this journey into the new year, please accept my sincere wishes for a joyous, healthy, and prosperous 2024. Thank you for being an integral part of the Telecommunity. Together, let's forge ahead, breaking new ground in ICT development.
Masanori Kondo Secretary General |
Upcoming Events |
The 2nd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-2) 5 - 6 February 2024, Virtual/Online Meeting
The Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT) will organize the Virtual Meeting for the 2nd Meeting of the APT Preparatory Group for WTSA-24 (APT WTSA24-2) from 5 to 6 February 2024.
The objective of APT WTSA24-2 is to assist APT Members to prepare for the ITU World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2024 (WTSA-24), which will take place in New Delhi, India from 15 to 24 October 2024. APT WTSA24-2 will discuss the issues to be identified for WTSA-24 and develop preliminary positions of the APT on those issues based on the input contributions from the APT Members.
Quick Links to APT Work Programmes and Activities |
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Asia-Pacific Telecommunity (APT)
@apt_secretariat Asia-Pacific Telecommunity APT Secretariat |